
Why I want to set up the latex environment

   The initial purpose was to make my homework tight and well-organized, since most of my hand-written assignement don’t look so nice. At first, Overleaf serves a good job. Then it comes the need to generate slides for the presentation. I tried with Overleaf, but debugging was a nightmare. Also,I start to get tired about typing the package I need everytime I need to use. So it comes to me that I shoud seek an off-line solution for the academic wtriting. And after some researches on the google, I settle down with the solution using the Vscode and texlive.

   (Add at 10/18/21) Later I find out that using biblatex and animate is more easier off-line.

Install the software

Install the Vscode

  I used to use notepad++ as my major text editor because it is fast. But, after trying the Vscode for a second, I fall in love with its layout and the avaliable plugins(turns out that community is important).
  Open this website, download, and install. After you click the icon, if you see the window like below, then Vscode is installed.

Install texlive

  Open this website. The page is organized… in an awful way. Find the install-tl-windows.exe. Download, decompress and install. The process will take forever a long time. It will be better if you downlaod the mirror first, but compile still takes time.

   I took me about an hour to get it installed. When you see the window below, it means that you have successfully installed the texlive.

Tips for configuring the Vscode

Some plugins for the texlive

  Open the Vscode, click the button on the left bottom vorner or use Ctrl+Shift+X to open the extension. Search for the Latex workshop and install. It should take a second.